Thursday, May 3, 2007

Container of clothes for Ghana

3.5 tons of clothes leaves for Ghana! Laguna Niguel, California

Today we completed loading a 20 foot container laden with 3.5 tons of clothes. The shipment is now destined for the Ghanaian port of Tema.

Included in the shipment were 42 bails of clothes that have been collected over the last few weeks. As well there are over 300 pairs of shoes for distrubution.

Upon arrival in Ghana Revival to the Nations will be distrubuting these clothes in cooperation with a number of difference churches that are currently Ministering in Islamic areas in the Nations.

It is our prayer that each item of clothing with convey the Fathers Loves and personal care for the indivual.

Please pray for favor when this shipment arrives at Ghanaian Customs and that we will have a quick release of the items. Thank you for all for loving the poor. if you would like to make a donation please click here.
Andy & Gunilla Glover
Revival to the Nations

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